I have been burnt out for over a year and a half now combined with mental health issues.

I was working an underpaying job, doing senior-dev work for a less than junior-dev pay, with an incompetent understaffed team. The work was so mundane and most of the clients were stupid. I hated work, my colleagues, and most of all I hated programming.

I finally quit the job and quit programming as well. I couldn't touch or see a terminal window without panicking. I've been spending my time binge watching series and movies.

Recently though, I've started picking up coding again. I've been blogging and doing some changes to my blog beside other light stuff.

This is the story of my first burnout and it's taken its toll on me. I hope it's the last one but who knows.

  • 5
    I've been there and I feel for you, it's important to keep your sanity.

    If you can't see code or your computer anymore, don't force yourself!

    Get a garden or some other "completely offscreen" thing for when you need a break. For me, that's my motorbike, tinkering and my balcony (all the garden I can afford).

    Restart when you feel ready and take it one day after another. You will get back on your feet. The worst things are behind you now.
  • 1
    I can totally relate. Especially the terminal panic. Quitting the job was a correct and courageous move. Take your time and take care of yourself. Slowly your enthusiasm and energy will come back. Wishing you peace on this healing journey.
  • 0
    Thank you, @nanl
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