Firts social hacking ever 😁😁😁

In the bus at the end of the day
Me:(fake phonecall to Bell)ho you offert me a 10go of data per months for 30$ ! Wow

Guy in bus: he call is phone company and give all is Private information in the bus to have a better deal.

Me: poke him and say "you know now i can create accounts on your billing address for free"

Guy: Holy shit man you are right i need to take care.

Me: now change all you password contains what you publicly said.

Me: have a good day 😋

  • 4
    I don't believe this. As a writer, I do people watching all the time. People are interesting, actually. Especially their reactions and responses, and the things they do when they think no one is watching.

    And from my years of people watching, no one would react that way. Instead, they'd thing, "Wow. That guy has such a great deal." Or they would walk up to you and ask what company you're on the phone with.
  • 1
    @Michelle honestly people watching sounds really cool.
  • 1
    Its sad but its true :( in Bus 11 at 5:35. But im not there to justify
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