I want to talk about media queries.


Seriously, why hasn't this shit been standardised; why does every new device *have* to be different dimensions from the rest?

Couldn't we have a S, M and LG scale for mobile, tablet and desktop????

Then we've got the fucking pleasure of DPR, as if it wasn't hard enough to be comprehensive for your shitty iPhone 5s.

Fuck you.

  • 0
    I guess we will see this is in upcoming years
  • 0
    This is a challenge that every web and app designer currently faces.
    Generally, it's enough to create media queries for the six most common screen widths; 320, 480, 760, 960, 1200, and 1600 pixels.
    Anything in between should adapt without any further rules.
    However, some designs can drive you crazy requiring extra tweaks.
  • 1
    @nanl yeah you're spot on there. I'm working on a project atm where the UI breaks at like ~100 intervals since the company I work for doesn't have any good framework or grid 😁

    Definitely gonna invest a couple weekends in getting a solid framework to work on, hacking only works so much!
  • 0
    When telecoms were faced with this we just got black bars
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