Just got the most aggressive GDPR email so far, the title was "accept or we delete your account" the email contained lot of bullshit and at the end it says "if you don't accept our current terms of service, we will delete your account" and a very low res "yes I accept" button smashed 4 times throughout the entire email, well, watch if I care, just making it even easier for me to ignore that shit.

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    @Condor no need to do anything even, they already just delete it for you lol!

    On the note of GDPR - I am still trying to push most of it away to collect a more stable understanding of it all and to find a way to get it done as cheap as possible across all current and future clients, it's a fuckig mess and everybody wants to cash in on it.

    Also your site+social systems got to be imho among the worse across ranters, you use wordpress with random facebook integrations, facebook as your main update channel etc.
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    To be honest, I wish I received emails like that. I'm too lazy to manually delete my accounts.
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    Gitlab right?
  • 0
    @Linux nope
    @stacked yeah, I wish most of those I really dont care about, would
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