
What’s your favourite programmer or hacker movie? Give me some good movie for the weekend 😎

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    Untraceable is very rarely mentioned (Not my favorite but I always wanted to recommend it)
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    @sharktits i just laught for 5 min straight
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    @sharktits hahaha thanks 😂😂😂
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    @BlackByte @etrock yall might laugh but im rewatching it right now and its fucking lit
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    Forgot Rachel Leigh Cook's hacker movie title
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    Who am I
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    @leptol wasn't that one the movie loosely based on kevin mitnick that made him look like a bond villain?

    For the anime-lovers out there: battle programmer shirajase
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    @leptol i read "ghost in the wires", mitnicks biography. He did some pretty serious hacking, but all without evil intentions. And i believe to remember a paragraph where he said his hacking caused some scary headlines and someday "wargames" came out which was about an evil hacker loosely based on him.
    But i can be wrong too.

    Btw., one lawyer once said "he can start an atomic missile by whisteling into a telephone" about mitnick. (That's bullshit of course, missile silos aren't connected to the internet (i think))
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