Jesus Fuck, is it so hard to slap a motherfucking 'Delete Account' button somewhere on that trashpile of 5000 different Javascript-frameworks and bootstrap you call website?!
No I don't want to deactivate it, I want you to DELETE all the information you have on me, preferably without having to fucking beg some low-life suppport agent in India (no offense intended) via E-Mail to do his goddamn duty...

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    And the best thing? You have to agree to their bullshit privacy policy first, so they can keep selling and mining your data, before they even let you on your own fucking account so you can dig through their 78584 submenus to maybe find a 'Delete Account' button somewhere buried in there...

    And no, AirBnB, I won't give you my phone number, so you can 'verify it's me'... I know I'm me, so leave me the FUCK alone
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    I think you miss the point. Which is to keep your data as indestructible as possible.
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    Once they stored your data it is there for eternity in db dumps and backups replicas etc
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    @py2js Not if they're GDPR compliant, as you have 'The right to be forgotten'
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    @gathurian not every company in world is gdpr compliant AFAIK
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    @py2js As I'm a european citizen, every company that has my data has to be tho.

    If I think that's a good idea or not is another question
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