
Random guy : Well I'm not tracked on the internet, I use private tabs.
Me : Well, I'm not sleeping with your mom, I use condoms

  • 31
    most accurate description of private tabs i've ever read 😂😂
  • 8
    The truth everyone! 😂😂😂😂
  • 11
    I just launched a big laugh out in my office lol
  • 3
    And? Is his mom good?
  • 2
    @linuxxx she tastes like child deception. An etrange mix of Sardine and Hawaiian pizza.
  • 2
    The mom part killed the joke for me tbh; it's just too overused, kinda like Java
  • 1
    This is too true, so what's the absolute safest way to browse anonymously? Complicated proxy network? Targeted ads are creepy sometimes.
  • 1
    You nailed it man 😂😂
  • 2
    @AhmadIshaq “nailed” it
  • 0
    It's not possible to track you beyond incognito tab, Browser fingerprinting along with IP address is done but isn't reliable, you can check with any tool out there.

    Good analogy though.
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