
Why would anyone need 256gb on their phone?


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    Because there is an android version of chrome?
    No more questions!
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    '640k ought to be enough for anybody' - (allegedly) Bill Gates
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    Technological dick measuring contest?

    I got the 128gb version of the 3T and havent filled that (and I've had it since release day).
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    @AlexDelarge see I use Google play music so the only music I store on my phone is the cached music or those I've asked to download.

    And I don't do audio books, i need to focus on them too much for them to really register and not just be background noise.

    The only time I got close to filling it up was when I used to play games with a Bluetooth controller (and emulators).

    But to each their own.
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    The only time when I filled up my OP1 (64GB) was my 3wk trip to China where I ended up taking 600 pictures and videos (RAW n 1080). Other than that usually I have 10-20GB free.

    @AlexDeLarge your audio books/music are in lossless formats?
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    I have 64gb note 8 and a 200gb microsd inserted.

    I have 11gb free on the phone and 38gb free on the card.
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    @AlpineLinnix i was gonna say just that. Lenovo z5 is gonna come with 4Tb of storage.
    Let that process first.
    God damn it!! My laptop has 1Tb of storage and it isn't even half filled at this point of time.

    Although i seriously feel that it may not be feasible.
    But recently a phone came out with 1Tb of storage. So cannot be sure what might be next.
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    For research purposes
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    I'd say photos and music, but 256 GB is still a lot
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    @ceee i mean, HD video take up a LOT of room.
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