So I sit in IT-Support, and let's just say that I don't quite have the mindset of a supporter, I'm simply sitting here to wait to move onto programming.

Anyways, I get a call and the person instantly asks me to check if someone else is busy, I ofcourse check up on the person, see that he sits in a completely different department than me (roughly 200km away from me) and I respond with the following "I can't check if he's busy, have you tried calling his phone".... This half brained dick bag, then says "I go on hold when I call his phone" aka the person is in the middle of a call...

I barely have any hair left, kudos to the people who work in IT-Support daily.

  • 3
    Welcome! And awesome Rant.
  • 1
    I know this feel, I just moved from call center to back office operations... Hoooly shit it's a night and day difference, I had no clue how much stress I was under.
  • 1
    I work in a small shop so everyone, sales, support, programming, management, is all on the same line, just dial an extension.

    Just the other day I got a call regarding a technical support issue on a product I don’t code in.

    I got the customer calmed down but and pointed him in the right direction but I had to ask how he got to my extension?

    He said “There was a long wait so I just stared dialing numbers til somebody picked up” 🙄

    I checked the longest wait that day was 5 min. 🙄🙄🙄
  • 1
    @jeeper wow, people are absolutely ridiculous. lmao
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