Makes a logo to put in README before creating a project in VS.

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    @Haxk20 ummmmm,
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    @Haxk20 (opens Paint)
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    @Haxk20 (frantically downloads PS from torrent)
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    Hey I heard you’re good at logo design, I need you to make it one for me. I can’t pay you but you got a lot of recognition I promise
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    @devTea I never said i am GOOD at it, i am GOOD at planning it, and making it? Well, not that good. Still doesn't know what is svg btw..
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    I can make you a logo, no one ever said. By I can make you a logo I obviously mean I can outsource it, get done cheaper and keep the profit. - that’s most dev hustler nowadays. FeelsBadMan
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