A crazy person just sent me something on Tumblr. I'm traumatized.

  • 15
    @Michelle they start at 0... here's something to help ease the pain..

    Source: https://codingeek.com/wp-content/...
  • 5
    @Floydian woosah?
  • 2
    @Floydian ah. Got it. That's also what my phone autocorrects woosah to...
  • 2
    @Floydian it's a word used to calm down, relax, etc.

    I think someone told me it started out ironically from a movie and it just stuck
  • 3
    @Floydian if I weren't afraid my boss is secretly on here lurking, I'd be much more vocal about how much he stresses me out and makes an interesting job terrible
  • 2
    @Floydian I could think of a few, but I could also be way off (plus, they'd come across as judgmental if others in his belief groups, rather than just dislike of him)
  • 2
    @Floydian I still have plenty to rant about most days 😂😂😂
  • 2
    It was probably a Matlab user xD
  • 1
    If it starts at 0, you can have one more object in your arrays than if it starts at 1.

    I think it's one of the reasons that explains why array starts at 0 in many languages.

    Maybe also because int defaults to 0.

    I think it's because of these reasons.
  • 2
    Knock, knock, who's there?
  • 3
    The only time I actually wish for that to be true is with dates. Because having the "6"th for a month resulting in it being July just messes things up xD
  • 3
    People who claim such nonsense remind me of flat earthers. The world is round and arrays start at 0!
  • 2
    "Actually, I prefer lua's syste-"
    Me: *summons the power of Satan to destroy their hands such that they can never touch a keyboard again"
  • 2
    here in lua land...
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana "Bad boys" movie is where I've heard the word woosah
  • 3
    @QueenMorgana "Bad boys" movie is where I've heard the word woosah
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