Oh no microsoft is gonna buy github!

Just like they bought xamarin and turned it from a buggy piece of shit into something borderline useful?

Just like they funded canonical so ubuntu could become a distro what any person can use as easily as windows because they had money to actually hire people?

Just like they bought mojang and invested billions in an education platform?

Oh boy whatever will we do...

  • 8
    I mean they could buy it if they had fixed their shitty systems first
  • 13
    @fuck2code no, 5% of people are concerned about that, the other 95 are people who post bsod pictures
  • 13
    Meh I don't know about their Mojang acquisition, they pretty much ruinned the game for me by adding paid content (like texture pack and skins) and by over simplifying the experience
  • 5
    @Bitwise the only legal battle i found after a quick ddg was ms suing a company who made 'lindows', and honestly id have sued them too, so citation needed

    @fuck2code if you show me the part where i attacked anyone, ill give you like a matchbox or something. And even if i did attack someone, can i not do that?
  • 4
    @fuck2code nokia was practically dead because their conservative leadership didnt realize that the market was not 40+ businessmen anymore. Ms gave them a chance, arguments can be made that its their fault that winphone failed, but they basically bought a dead company (like how lenovo bought motorola). And i dont see nokia making phones anymo... Oh wait, i do.
  • 0
    @Bitwise thanks, ill read em later
  • 4
    I don't see the problem other than some companies might choose different tools for their repos.

    If anything this ensures the longevity of github.

    More impressive to me is the fact that this means that microsoft is acquiring a rather large rails codebase :P

    How will they do with the open sourced tools and apps in github? People complain about this yet a rather large percentage of github consists of open source stuff with permissive licensing
  • 2
    @AleCx04 i knew you would have a common sense๐Ÿ’š
  • 0
    @Bitwise i read thru them, i can see your concern but i can also see clearly biased websites. Cnet's article was credible, with insight from both parties tho.
  • 1
    And here I say it again... People are looking at MS the same way people voted for Lex Luthor to become president on comic books...
  • 1
    What Microsoft did to Minecraft was a travesty.
  • 0
    Just like they bought skype and broke it. Oracle style!
  • 0
    @pransmarclou We the best music!

    you can't escape from me haha
  • 1
    @Devnergy DJ KHAAAALED
    Why u so competitive ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 0
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