
Just created my own publish-subscribe-based IoT protocol for the NodeMCU. It's like a simplified version of MQTT and pretty error-rich. (So it shouldn't be used in important cases). But the cool thing is that you can use a simple NodeMCU to host a server and don't need to set up a Mosquitto Server on a Linux Machine.

Will release on GitHub soon!
Also made an example Client in PHP!

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    Here is the source:


    You can test it if you want, but I am currently thinking about making a completely new protocol (not publish-subscribe-based)

    Let's see.
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    I built it for the NodeMCU (Firmware Version 2.2.0). You need one to test it.

    If you have one you need a init.lua script, that connects to a WiFi. Then just execute the SkayoTT.lua.

    To connect with the client, just set the address in the demo section of the SkayoTT.php to the address of your NodeMCU.

    The PHP client is just PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.0 I think.
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    Okay I thought you asked me to test it because you have a NodeMCU too!
    Nevermind then.

    But I can recommend them! Cheap and really awesome! Programmable in Lua!
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    Just noticed that I have categorized this as a rant... Sorry guys!
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