

Anyone know of a way to ease a tooth ache?

This pain right now is fucking unbearable, I'm having a hot water bottle against my cheek which relieves it a very little bit and I'm already on the maximum dosage of pain killers.

7 hours left before I can call my dentist.

I hope someone knows something magical for this 😥

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    @elcore Only warmth helps and as far as I'm aware, we don't have that :'(
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    @CodeCrack As in drinking or?
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    Weed 😇
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    Google to the rescue!!!

    First result since you hate Google

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    Pair of pliers
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    @elcore the legal or illegal ones?
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    @elcore Tbh, the slightest cold makes the pain crying-bad, the hot water bottle is doing its work a little bit better now
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    Dude, One thing that helped me sleep when I had half a tooth eaten away was this:

    Take a hot bath, as hot as you can , enter in a "zombie" mode where you try to mentally block the pain as something like "mind over body" , and go all zombie until you fall asleep, don't do fast movements, dry your body slowly with the towel and so on.

    That was the only way I could manage to sleep for some months.

    Hope it helps.
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    chewing Syrian oregano (za'atar) leaves
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    @nbamaral Weed maies it worse as
    1. you're moking
    2. you'll begin to focus on the pain
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    Clove as someone pointed out!
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    If all else fails, holding alcohol can help too. Something in the neighbourhood of Jagermeister or Swedish Bitter.
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    Aye, clove is pain killer for teeth!
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    True story: once had the worse tooth ache ever, tried the usual pills, than the real strong ones,tried alcohol, everything, the only thing that kept me not from not going insane until I got to the dentist was a joint.
    But everyone's different, ymv.
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    As someone with horrible tooth aches. Try to keep alcohol in your mouth on that part. If this doesn't work, the only medicine that workedwas Aulin. (You have to dissolve in water so you can like keep the liquid around your tooth for a few seconds). Half of my face is still swollen because of my tooth :(
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    Endure it
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    @falmesino that's cruel
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    @thatgirl i have been in same situation,
    gargling salt and water didnt work,
    a medicine bought from convenient store didnt work,
    Praying to god didnt work,
    I ended up enduring the pain till the next morning.

    11/10 will always brush my teeth no matter how tired i am 🤣
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    @falmesino o trust me, i feel you. Been there done that :(
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    @thatgirl @falmesino @nbamaral @yendenikhil @ameware @Floydian @Yamemori Well fuck me, infected wisdom teeth. Going to get it removed soon, for now, three pain killers at the same time 😬

    Also, @Yamemori, what's that in the picture?
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    @Floydian Which spice? :D
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    @hubiruchi @Floydian Oh misunderstood. Can I use it together with other pain meds?
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    @Floydian ayurveda?
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    @linuxxx infection sucks. My whole face got swollen because of that. For 2 and half days straight. Fuck that
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    @thatgirl Yeah it does. Trying to "fight" the pain but that isn't really working...
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    @linuxxx you know what they say: if you can't beat them join them
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    @linuxxx did you call your dentist? You need to go asap
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    @linuxxx I hope you get solution soon by dentist. Teeth problems are painful. 😐
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    @yendenikhil @thatgirl Will be going to the hospital for surgery tomorrow 😥
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    @nbamaral Yeah, I believe you as I've been in that situation myself.. I have smoked with the eariest toothache bugging me like crazy, and it does help in some cases.

    It's when the gum is too damaged, that I can't smoke without killing myself even more. (That was after I've been to the dentist though, so it was fucked and stitched up)

    When it's nerves that are hurting, it could backlash on you, as the focus on that will either be lessened or strengthened..

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    @linuxxx surgery 🤐🤐
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