
Food.... It works every single day and also motivates me to goto the office.

My office is next to a mall.

  • 3
    What is that? Looks delicious.
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    @shellbug a new pint of chocolate (rocky road, didnt know what that meant... apparently it means with marshmallows) ice cream. I saw the question i think this morning and somehow when i opened this i just remembered it and thought itd make a nice pic.
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    @QueenMorgana yea the mall is pretty expensive these days... Especially the healthy stuff...

    This I got in sale, 2 for $6
  • 3
    That is not a food, that is a crime...
  • 0
    @Badr hmm... Seems it fits the definition though 😁
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    @rEaL-jAsE no it's Eddy's Rocky road
  • 1
    I used to love going to work only because of the breaks during which I would visit various cafes and eat a lot of delicious food. This had a bad effect on my body and now I need to lose weight. It’s really sad to be honest, but I hope that thanks to the article https://betterme.world/articles/... I will finally be able to get in shape. Now I don’t like going to work. This is of course a joke, I like it even more because during the break I try to eat and walk in the park, which has a good effect on my productivity
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