Why not to use gitlab:
-Runs on ruby which is VERY VERY VERY wasteful in processing power and thus in energy
-It's hosted on azure

Why to stay with github:
-There won't be a lot of change
-It's reliable and this won't change so fast
-It's like admitting defeat towards MS who want to ruin our lives lol

  • 5
    - the ownership changes aren't going to be finalized for quite some time
  • 6
    Isn't GitHub written on Ruby too?
  • 4
    Gitlab is being rewritten to golang if I remember correctly, new features are written in golang.
  • 1
    @Codex404 golang isnt really better
  • 12
    @gnulinuxer4fun i dont like the language itself but yes it is.
  • 0
    @Codex404 its like java - interpreted.

    Use C++ and you have blazing speeds
  • 2
    @gnulinuxer4fun golang was compiled with a C compiler right?
  • 13
    Golang is a compiled language, only slightly slower than c++ and statically linked by default.
  • 0
    @metamourge ok thenm its ok
  • 5
    And if MS ownership of github is an issue, isn’t gitlab hosting in MS cloud a problem to?

  • 3
    I hope you mean JavaScript. Java gets compiled to bytecode
  • 1
    @Cthulhu which is then interpreted
  • 1
    @Cthulhu java is interpeted as well since you need a java runtime environment
  • 4
    @gnulinuxer4fun use c++ and you have big development times and unscalable applications.
  • 0
  • 3
    @gnulinuxer4fun c++ is not the language for modern web app development. Sure it's fast, but what you need is easy scalability and good modularization with low development times. Amazon even rewrote their whole stack from C++ to Java because it was shitty to work with for these kind of applications. Processing speed isn't everything, it's not even that important in most modern applications, unless you are creating a game.
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    Gitlab is hosted on whatever I choose.
  • 10
    GitHub runs on Rails, dummy. 😞

    I know it's trendy to say Ruby is slow, but you don't need the pure speed of C for a web framework anyway, and Rails is not exactly slow. To say that Ruby is "very very very wasteful" is just flat-out false. (Compared to C or Assembly, sure, but literally everything else is. )

    You're really stretching, and you're using falsehoods to do it. That makes me quite angry.
  • 1
    I see riby being defended, i like you guys.
  • 5
    @Root and in the ends its still mostly up to the developer if the site is fast or slow. Its almost never the language’s fault if a site is slow ;)
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    @Voxera that's not a problem. Even if the server is hosted in Azure they can't get access to it. Only gitlab will have access to it. They won't even know what packets are going on and out because SSL. Only thing they'll know is bandwidth usage.
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    @greenscar but somewhere it has to be decrypted to handle the data.
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    @Codex404 decryption will take place inside the server which is owned by gitlab
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    @greenscar owned by azure and rented to MS, if people want to be paranoid they should get this paranoid instead of just being paranoid about things that suit them.
  • 2
    @Codex404 exactly, I don’t see a problem since its not in MS interest to try to steal anything but if you really believe they will, why would you believe they would respect azure customers ;)

    But for most its just a thing, you have to bash MS.

    But except for vocally accusing open source in the past MS has done very little damage to it. Most of their damage was towards other proprietary companies.

    Remember, Netscape was not open source when MS developed IE.

    It was released as open source and became FireFox when Netscape gave up the fight.

    And MS office was already the largest suit of such programs when open office was born, out of the ashes of proprietary competitors that folded, I believe it was from Corel office that in turn was built from a couple of free standing proprietary programs.

    So in effect, MS business practices is the very reason a lot of the big open source programs exist to day.

    So, IF MS would break GitHub, which I seriously do not believe, it will just give birth to a new open source tool surpassing all previous.

    Nothing triggers the open source as much as a large company behaving badly :P
  • 0
    @ramen we used to use gitlab but atleast their locally installed server for enterprise customers have less than github has and we had problem getting the integrations to work.

    Could be that we are using .NET on windows and gitlab has less integrations to tools on windows but we switched and everyone likes github better.
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