
New company gave me a 16 inch monitor. Should i quit?

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    Actually its 18.5, still...
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    Use your phone. I heard phones these days have more screen.
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    Throw it out of the window and see what happens
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    @Skayo The monitor is so small i dont think they would even notice it not being there.
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    Anything less than two 27" and I'm out.
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    Depends on wage. If you can buy for yourself new one - then I see no problem.
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    Black and White?
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    @neodite i am fine with 22". but thats a minimum
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    @RobertsR I have one at home. I may have to check if it is within "company policy" for me to bring it here.
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    @kalippu if you gonna read company policy, check if its OK to use 18.5", it should be under "ergonomy"

    i'm sorry for you :)
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    @kalippu I use an 1360x768 18.5 inch at home for more than 4 years now. I'm very much in need of an upgrade, the resolution is small, and the size too. (Got it when my CRT died, and needed something as a screen)
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    Make a short circuit to get a new one 😈😅
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    @sonofwind lol. thats silly. i am just gonna ask them for a bigger one.
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    @webdev Thanks dude
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    @Klanowicz I am starting to feel like it. But will wait to see how they respond.
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    If you’re not happy with the equipment your workplace has provided you could always sit down with your boss and discuss BYOD.
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    @kalippu Just let them know it'd hamper your productivity. If they can't give you a bigger one, ask them to give two instead.
    But if they're reluctant in doing so, you can guess how much they care about their developer's happiness and accordingly decide how long you wish to stay there.
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    @mrgadget I could. But I don't want to. There aren't many companies that can't afford a 22" monitor. Not even in India.
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    @Codextor exactly my thought
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    Ahh,, they gave me what I asked for.😀
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