
I recently started working with some adult content websites for my client, it's good money but it's hard working on the websites at home because of obvious reasons.

I want to avoid the awkwardness, so does anyone know of a plugin or some solution to black out all images on particular sites?

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    @amatrelan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    block all images on the domain.
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    @metamourge thanks, I checked it out, it does work, but not to the extent I'm looking for. Because i'm also working on the front-end I need to keep the image sizes / dimensions. It blocks them, I want them blacked out or replaced, but kept in the same aspect ratio.. A very specific use case
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    @pionell you can maybe use any mitm proxy to serve custom image whenever any image is requested.
    This can be done using mitmproxy with a custom script.
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    @YourNemesis interesting, sounds like a fun/productive side project
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    For reference, here's a script which turns every image upside down
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    Set css property to overlay black color on all images or play with opacity. You'll find browser plugin to insert custom css.

    You can even set css to display img on hover.

    This way no compromise with dimentions
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    I believe the plugin was called content remover. It kept divs and stuff in place but set images and text to visibility: none; effectively hiding things and allowing you to see the layout.
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