Productivity struggles... Am I the only one who is super productive between 7am - 12:30pm. And after those hours I'm near useless 😞. Brain is to tired to solve problems effectively.

How do you guys combat the afternoon slump/drain?

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    Yup, happens to me too.
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    I'm most productive between 10pm and 5am. So that's when I work. Better that than pretending to work between 9am and 5pm like the old system expects us to.
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    @lucanos when do you sleep?
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    is it some way posible for you to take an hour long nap?
    you may talk to your boss about it.
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    Not too heavy a lunch. Coffee.
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    having lunch creates the same problem for me....specially with rice.....i guess key is to have perfect night sleep....
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    Coffee coffee coffee
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    I kinda fast during work hours + coffee. For me, the less food in me == more alert. I may eat a little lunch or breakfast, but I feast for dinner.
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    Music with noise cancelling headphones and coffee
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    @heyheni ya, but honestly then I'd be at work for too long, and I'd get depressed lol. I'd rather work 4-6 hours at the office, then leave, take lunch at home and finish up the day. I think he might allow it some days, not all tho
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    Cocaine ... it's a helluva drug
    - Rick James
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    As one of my former directors once said, "Rowsdower gets more sh!t done before 10am than most people do all day." The rest of the day, I'm just sitting there, wondering if there's beer on the sun.
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    I'm the exact opposite. I'm useless before 1 pm. after I get enough coffee, I'm crazy productive. I also have meetings before noon. afternoon is my time to get things done.
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    Coffee! If that doesn't work, drink more of it.
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    I go home. whenever I feel like I'm not productive, I pack up my shit and go home. change of scenery is often the only thing needed to get you thinking clearly again.
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    @wrparrish damn, it's nice that you can do that.
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    I feel you brother the same here...
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    Naps during lunch. Avoid lunch meetings.
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    @champion01 I tend to sleep from about 6am to 2pm or so.
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