
The client requested an ability to create reports in the app I had been working on. It was completed to their specification and they were happy with it for about a week.

Then, they asked me to redo the report, changing various components around so I told them it can be done, but is time consuming because they're essentially asking for a completely different report.

Now, they never even looked at the code before and the extent of their coding knowledge is excel formulas. Their repond to me was "it's easy, just reverse the loop."

I simply did not know how to respond. "Just reverse the loop." ...I mean it's so simple, just reverse the loop... It doesn't matter that I've spent a good amount of time on this already, or that the client have never seen the code, doesn't understand coding, doesn't care about programming, none of that matter. ...just...reverse...the...loop...

  • 3
    My sympathies man!
  • 3
    They signed off on the other report. If significant changes are required please bill them accordingly.
  • 5
    Well, did you try reversing the loop?
  • 2
    Get that spec in writing and deliver their reverse loop LOL!
  • 1
    Reply "if it's that simple why don't you do it?"
  • 0
    @dmonteoliva I have said this on a number of occasions. And it has never ever ended without an argument. Ruining my image and time to say the least. So I prefer not to say those words out loud now.
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