At my current work (sports wear bla bla bla) we recently had couple of brands come by (136people) and had a presentation. One of the market lead peps stood and talked about future plans and projects in the following:

πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍πŸ’ΌMarketGuy: "we want to improve the e-shop service and direct booking system. Think about it, AI, machine learning and deep network, these are all out there and we should consider working with it!"

πŸ‘¨πŸ»Me: ... *Thinking* "buzzwords, buzzwords everywhere.. dude you don't even know how to excel..

πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍πŸ’Ό: *Continues babbling about website, Blockchain and AI together with sportswear and the future of working together*

MAH GAAAD (β”›β—‰Π”β—‰)┛彑┻━┻
I need a coffee.. β˜•

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