
I’ve begun to notice a distinct pattern with devs. I realise it has probably always been there but Im just thinking out loud as Ive started to actively notice it.

*Dev has literally one problem with a library/framework/environment*

“Holy crap <NAME> is the worst thing ever!! its actually worse than an STD. whoever made it needs to quit making software and become a goat farmer” (paraphrasing of course)

What is it with us that the second we have difficulty with a library or framework we immediately brand it as a cancerous polyp on the anus of humanity?

  • 4
    I don't know why this is but I like the way you describe things. ++ for you.
  • 6
    It’s what we call self-esteem. We, humans, don’t want to acknowledge our own weaknesses, mistakes and failures, so we whine and bitch. This is why there are so many over-confident pieces of shit.
  • 2
    I can't speak for everyone but I've work with code bases that have some things that make no sense at all. I usually try and put myself in who ever wrote the codes shoes and try and understand there thinking behind it, sometimes it's just horrible and there is no reason in sight. In those rare cases I rage like how you described. 😉
  • 1
    In hindsight this is the biggest sin I committed with Python. I hated all the library dependances and swore that C++ was a better language without the library...until I found Java's library system which blows out everything in it's scale. Yes you have dependency issues like crazy but fixing stuff is reading what the error messages say and 9/10 you'll get it.

    My point is, to make errors is to be human. The console is sometimes your only friend.

    ... But I still blow up sometimes. At least I can blow some of it off here. 😏
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus damn dude, that was impressive!
  • 5
    Oh my fucking god, this rant is the worst pile of shit words I've ever read in my entire life.

    What kind of crap faced piece of shit would write this fucking cancer.

    Whoever wrote this pile of tumor enducing garbage needs to quit writing and become a turd farmer, because they're clearly fucking amazing at producing shit.

    sarcasm = true;
  • 3
    @Grexius lol I cannot describe the split second of pure rage I felt before reading the bottom line and realising what you were doing
  • 0
    @CrashOverride Bamboozled
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