You know the shit has really hit the fan, when the IT Admin in the company doesn't know what execution policy in PowerShell, means

  • 11
    Not everyone is "Know it all" type. If he/she doesn't know then why don't you be a good colleague and share your knowledge with him/her.
  • 1
    Welcome to devRant.
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    @jschmold Maybe things work differently that side. Over here things are different.

    No matter who is that person is or what's his position is, if we know we share knowledge.

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    At the last 3 clients i've worked for i've only met 2 people who used powershell, both were frontend developers, Everyone else working in IT used bash or zsh
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    I just tarted a new gig where everyone I work with is a MS nerd. Only one other guy knows PowerShell and hates using it because, “Why script something that only takes a few minutes to do from the gui?” Literally his exact fucking words to me... today.

    I lost all hope for this company at that moment. I have made a few scripts in my spare time for automating Office 365 like bulk email creation and shit. This dipstick would rather create 200 email accounts from the web portal, than to create them in <90 seconds via a script....

    I want to ‘teach’ this guy upside the back of his head with my trusty bat called ‘execution policy’
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    @FrodoSwaggins unfortunately it’s pretty accurate; at least in my experiences. I think the biggest reason for that is because Executives want the ‘business class support’ that comes with Microsoft servers and Oracle DB’s and such... and since most IT admins have been able to get by all these years thanks to that crutch they call a GUI. The admins push executives to continue the cycle.

    Engineering is a totally different beast. Build architectures that don’t fail, redundancy is your friend, uptime is an absolute must.

    IT administration, Call this support number if you can’t figure it out how to fix it, when it breaks... because it will.
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    MS doesn't have great products for enterprise, but they have absolutely outstanding sales people. Second to none. They are the best I have seen.
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