😸:oh hi, i came in early to checkout this game, but i was just about to get off and start work.
😎:I'm not your boss. I don't caire what you do.
👺:I am your boss, and as long as you get the work done, on time, and done well, I don't care if it looks lie you are doing nothing but being paid to play games. If anyone does bother you about playing games at work let me and I will let them know to leave you alone.

  • 1
    are they looking to hire? :-))
  • 4
    well, it was a university, and they had to let me go because the new Dean made every department drop 20% of work staff cost.

    My boss fought for me, as they had gotten grants to make software they would now have no way of completing. But the new Dean couldn't get wet without changing some numbers on a spreadsheet, and it was last hired first fired kind of thing.

    but in awesome person standards, my boss let me stop showing up 2 weeks before the official let go date (because, and this is his words not mine, 'fuck that cunt'). and since there was a mandatory two year hiring freeze they let me keep all the equipment i was using. (litterly over $5,000 in computer equipment).

    was sad, but found a better paying job with like minded people in under a month, so I can't complain.

    ...I know my job history is not standard. I appreciate the luck I have had. And I am sorry for those who have not been as lucky and are probably more talented and skilled than me.
  • 0
    @nerd-san hey man, i'm really happy for you, i don't wish on anyone to be stuck in a bad team working dreaded tasks.

    talent comes from skill and willingnes to learn which doesn't seem you lack.

    don't envy your own luck, just carry on and share your experience with the juniors so we can evolve and spread good working environment and praxis further ^^
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