
Any doctor here that happens to also know git?
What's with recruiters looking for doctor and git?

  • 14
    I think the third result is more funny.
  • 8
    @BigBoo lol to think of it, it seems like they want an MBA candidate that has done it at least three times
  • 5
    @gitpush Maybe they are looking for three people 😂🤣
  • 1
    what's that app?
  • 2
    @JoshBent It's LinkedIn
  • 2
    @JoshBent yup that is linkedin

    @BigBoo hahaha you think that's what they want XD
  • 1
    @Lycocain thanks 😊
  • 3
    Doctor in programming search results -> misunderstood someone saying Docker.

    Didn’t really know what they are looking for so searched by what they assumed they were looking for.

    Or they did hear it right and autocorrect suggested doctor and autocorrect is made by programmers so it knows programmer things right? (Yes recruiters are this thick)
  • 0
    @jeeper everything is possible, I recall seeing a rant also showing same thing, git + doctor lol but couldn't remember who posted it

    @senzory ha! Nailed it XD
  • 1
    Maybe the doctor is Dr.Java
  • 1
    @senzory what is worse is that title:

    Entrepreneur, inspiring spokesman, CEO at xyz, CTO at abc, owner of shitzy, Harvard graduate, MBA

    I shit you not I once was added by someone with that title
  • 2
    @Floydian lol PhD in git 😪
  • 2
    I guess by doctor they mean PhD ,
  • 2
    Because u need a doctor after merging with shit branch
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