
Very tired of people that turn around to me and say “this is sales, you have to know your audience, it’s not based on truth and logic”... basically an excuse for telling outright lies and expecting me to pick up the pieces when reality bites and the lies come back to haunt them, all for the sake of “closing the deal”

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    The golden rule of life I live by.

    Everything is sales.

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    @BigBoo but do you lie your way through life?
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    @nuhaf I don't have a compulsion to tell the truth. Everyone lies.
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    @BigBoo not lies like this. But if you do, then I’m ranting about you too, for the sake of those around you...
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    @nuhaf The reason why you can't convince sales is because you are not selling them on the problem.

    If you think it's morally corrupt you can always quit. That's what I would do if I thought my company was doing something illegal.
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    @BigBoo one can presume too much...
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    Sales always sell the customer on stuff that is either hard or inconvenient to implement. OTOH, customers can get stuff that's fun and easy from some 14 year old 1336-hacker on Github for free.
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    @Fast-Nop don’t get me wrong, not shying away from the vision or the challenge. But having actually done international sales with some success for many years earlier in my career (people like to put a label on you, as you guys seem to have assumed) I know that the key to long lasting relationships, repeat sales is trust and selling the vision whilst elegantly handling the present realities and taking that journey together. Lazy sales is just lying, nothing sophisticated about it.
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