
I think Linus Torvalds would be up there in the top 5 ranters list if he had a devrant.

It’s not quite @AlexDeLarge creativity but some of his swears are certainly pretty full of imagery.

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    I won't compare Linus to AlexDeLarge, the reason being that when our guy(as in Alex) rants about something it is on direct causes of incompetence, pretentiousness, ignorance etc. Al has a reason.

    Linus on the other hand is just childish on his shit. Calling people retards for sending a request to a repo? Fuck man just say no and that's it. He has to go out of his way to ridicule people on the internet. That is not being honest, its just being a bully.
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    @AleCx04 yeah I can see that.

    I was just trying to compare his slightly visual style of insulting people to Alex’s (although Alex is better at that imo)
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    @A-C-E i got you bro. Didn't mean to make it sound like it wasn't your point.
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    Yeah Linus is kind of a dick. It would be funny to see what he'd say on devrant though.
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    Well there is someone called torvalds, probably not him though
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    @j4cobgarby I bet it would be obvious if he were here because then he’d immediately post “NVIDIA, FUCK YOU”
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    As an outsider I find Torvalds' raves funny. He's just about the only computer guy who's not afraid of upsetting people when they don't live up to his standards.

    I'm glad he takes his code and work very personally and seriously so we can all benefit from it
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