
*alright,let's go to bed now*
*finally in bed and about to sleep*

*figured bug out in head*
*gets out of bed, fixes the bug*
*gets back into bed*
*heeeey wait, if I do it like this.... *
*gets out to fix second bug*
*back to bed*
*Hoooold on... *fixes third bug while laying in bed**

*really has to go to bed now 😩*

  • 19
    In bed by 22:00? πŸ€”
    It's the weekend! You're 200% more productive at night!
  • 2
    @olback This happens to me often, this particular happening was last night haha
  • 1
    @olback As for right now, my week on call has started again and I'm tired but have to stay up for two more hours 😩
  • 0
    @CoffeeNcode What do you mean exactly with server space? Like a vps or a dedicated server or a machine t home or?
  • 0
    got tired from that, ended up learning how to control my self, now all bugs wait and I can enjoy my sleep
  • 0
    @AlpineLinnix exactly + early morning = still mind is clear and full of energy
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode Go with Ubuntu server for now as oss. I don't like it but it's relatively easy to use as and stable.

    Read yourself in on csf if you'd like a good and relatively easy to use firewall or just fail2ban for ssh bute force protection.

    Any more questions? Ask away 😊
  • 0
    @linuxxx so fail2ban or port knocking are enough? I want to have my own git server but afraid I leave a door open :/
  • 0
    so that's what they mean by "don't let the bet bugs byte you"
  • 0
    Hahahaha Been there bugged that
  • 1
    @gitpush Only for a default setup but idk what she wants to do with it exactly so yah
  • 0
    @linuxxx ok great, thanks man plz correct me I find wrong:
    1. Port knocking
    2. Nginx for auth before opening website

    Anything else I need to make sure I don't find my server hacked lol

    Just gonna run gitlab
  • 0
    @AlpineLinnix it is, but I want to try it for few months for the sake of learning, else I'd just use their website, if I'm going to host my own git online, I'll go with gittea and some auto build system
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    @AlpineLinnix do you know any good build system like Jenkins...etc? I want for node, python, and Java/Kotlin, C#
    Lol too much I know
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    @AlpineLinnix is it lightweight? I'm gonna get a 2GB ram server
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    @AlpineLinnix it's ok you give names I'll search about then no worries man πŸ˜€
  • 1
    @gitpush I don't use port knocking tbh. Just a good firewall AND ONLY key based login
  • 0
    @linuxxx ok great, gotta watch out for authentication, I usually have combination, will keep it just key auth. Thanks manπŸ˜€
  • 1
    @gitpush You've got me on Signal as well so feel free to ask ;)
  • 1
    @linuxxx thanks man I really appreciate it, it's just I have lots of questions, and you have your own life. Believe me, you don't want me contacting you on signal, or you will have no life to live πŸ˜₯🀷🏼‍♂️
  • 1
    @gitpush Oh no don't worry haha, I often help people out on signal and since I'm on call this week I won't have much of a life anyways πŸ˜…
  • 0
    @linuxxx haha thanks man whenever I'm stuck I'll ping you on Signal :D
  • 0
    The feeling of fixing one is worth it though 🀣
  • 1
    For me sometimes it happens like have a functionality to do / bug to fix spend whole day thinking how to solve it but couldn't do it...gets sleep wake up in the morning and bam ! First thing i get in mind is the solution
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