
First fucking night of being on call again.

Normally I set an alarm at 3 to check if any critical disruptions have been going on.

But why the fuck would I need that if I woke up every fucking hour at night anyways?

I'm fucking tired right now and agitated as hell.

  • 5
    That sounds pretty grim.

    Maybe set up a watcher to make sure there are no serious issues and sound an alarm on your phone if anything goes wrong? If you can check issues in a script that is.
  • 4
    @DucksCanCode That's already in place but I tend to be slightly nervous the entire weekend when I'm on call for some reason.

    @CoffeeNcode Trying my best, thank you :)
  • 5
    @linuxxx ☕☕☕ I'm right there with you dear friend. I'm on call as well and called in twice last night just to make sure I didn't miss a call.
  • 3
    @QueenMorgana I've only had two calls yet luckily, of which one wasn't a valid one so lucky me. Now already 7 hours without disruption :)
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