I learned how to use the MacOS and Linux command lines first, so it's been a constant pet peeve of mine that I had to use dir for the purpose of ls on Windows. Today I tried to make ls an alias for dir, but noooooo... Windows uses the doskey command instead. I can't even make alias a macro for doskey either so I'm stuck at least with that shortcut that only Windows uses. #FuckWindows

  • 1
    @ewpratten I should. When I got the GCloud Shell though it started in a cmd.exe window so I wasn't aware I could also use it in PowerShell. Apparently I can. :)
  • 3
    Well create a ls.bat file on the path on windows.
  • 0
    Just give in son...resistance is futile
  • 0
    I prefer the Unix terminal, so fuck Windows? I don't even like Windows that much but that's not a reasonable argument..
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