
Does anyone else have this? I always try to adjust the way I say things to non-hostile/aggressive (talking about things I have very specific opinions on) because I'm somehow afraid of starting a heated argument. On here, at work, everywhere.

Going to try to just speak my mind, even if that would get me into more fights etc 😅

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    Yeah, I will say things like I might be mistaken but if you use the wrong url it might not work. Maybe you could check that before coming to me for help.
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    I always need to think about a way to say something to someone in a way (s)he doesn't feel stupid, even if I think the person isn't, it's pretty tiring :'D
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    Just don't be like Trump, he needs to be muzzled so he can't keep screwing things up and then trying to undo them after the damage is already done...
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    Remember, you can be truthful and upfront without being an asshole.

    Kindness costs nothing.
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    I'm to the point in my life where I don't give a damn. But I'm also someone who can work with people of differing opinions and can separate my hatred for their political views from their ability to do their job. And I call out those that can't do the same.
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    Due to abuse growing up, angry people terrify me, and conflict in general scares me. With my parents, I was never right even when I was right, and extended arguments angered them; when I angered them, I would be in trouble for days, even weeks.

    I've had so many people randomly flip out on me over stupid, really simple things, and most often it's totally unexpected. Even when trying to avoid conflict by wrapping something in five times more sugar and comfort and kindness than substance, people still get angry. So now I just don't talk at all unless I know how the person will respond.
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    @Condor speaks wisdom again, and @FrodoSwaggins is right on point, as usual.
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    Yeah, I'm the same way, but you know what I realized this past year?

    That people who don't give a fuck and just speak it usually climb the ladder higher.
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    The good news is that you only nees to do this for stupid people... i guess that does not help much?
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    There's nothing wrong with speaking your mind. They either listen or they don't. No point in pussy footing around
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