  • 0
    hahahahaha I know it's bad not to follow TDD hahaha but the meme is funny af
  • 1
    @cako91 or fadd ... frikkin awesome driven development!!! 😼

    tdd does have merit, it just seems unrealistically time consuming for most projects / cheapo clients.
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    @cako91 TDD is like teen sex, everybody talks about it, mere few really do it...
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    So far only managed to convince one client to keep our unit tests going.

    Since we've spent the last 4 months on a completely new layout they are all now obsolete. :-(
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    Lol what's a test?
  • 1
    @ds1239 heh, just to be clear, I'm all for unit testing, visual regression testing and so on. It's just the pure TDD approach that seems like pulling nose hair all day.
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