
Am I missing something? After going through the Manjaro installation process, turning on the computer and selecting the operating system in the grub menu, it never allows me to boot successfully. I even reinstalled the os and same result. It always says something like this when booting... 😒

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    Should mention, it's Manjaro GNOME 17.1
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    Probable hard disk failure
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    @shaji You think so? Installing other Linux distros makes the computer run fine
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    @coder67 then as much as I like Manjaro, I'd just use another distro
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    I often get stuck on the first boot around the step Mounting /home

    I'm running vanilla arch that boots into console.

    Usually a second boot goes well. From what I read so far, the most likely culprit is a race condition in systemd on laptops with realtek chipset... It used to take me 4-5 reboots whilst I had systemd 232 but now it's much better.

    Another gut feeling observation is that it usually gets stuck on first boot if pacman update kernel or nvidia drivers :) not point fingers, just trying to save you hours of try/catch work :)

    Kudos for giving Arch a go!!! 🤙
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