Fuck Off JPEG you piece of ancient shit. Hello HEIF! Not apple tech but they are certainly adopting it across the board (also replaces gif). Safari is the only browser supporting the format. Now we have to wait for every fucker else to arrive, could be 5 years for Mucroshite (wankers).

  • 1
    It might never catch on, since Mozilla/Firefox and Google/Chrome are pushing their own (open) format. Not sure if they will happily accept alternative from "nice" MPEG.
  • 0
    as far as browsers and adopting standards goes ms is historically bollox, have you forgotten? so i am perfectly happy to dis on microsoft. But keep on defending their incompetence if you wish.
  • 0
    ... meanwhile, PNGs have existed for like a decade, with their lossless compression, transparency, hybrid bitmap/vector format and animations, all of that implemented in an elegant fallback way that if a program doesn't even know png supports some of those, it can still open it...
  • 0
    @Midnigh-shcode but the png file size is still massive, hence the HEIF format, to deliver high quality images in a small file size with minimal compromise.
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