
What’s your personal tick for getting that mental laser focus and hyper brain performance for that marathon coding and problem solving session ? ( food, music, supplements, coffee, redbull, some biohack )

  • 3
    Does...does Adderall count?

    Nah I'm not paying $5 a pill for everyday; just a few times a month.

    Actually...uhhhh.... I've totally never... uhh taken it because I uhhh.... don't have a prescription for it.

    But in all seriousness, i usually go lights out, lofi or piano covers of pop songs and my LEDs slowly fading. Oh and phone off.

    My eyes hate me when I do that, but it works. They're already fucked up as it is. (I only do this like 3 times a month)
  • 1
    No meetings 🤓
  • 0
    Taylor Swift and Coffee I guess.
  • 0
    Lots of music and enough prototyping.
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