Hugo framework:

1 hour to set it up
1 day to read the documentation
1 eternity to actually fucking deploy it

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    Gatsby ❤️
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    @fuck2code Apache returns a code 1 without telling what the fuck is wrong with him, nginx can't figure out how to send CSS as CSS instead of plain text, and Caddy seems to have a drunk Irish guy as a maintainer. I love my wasted morning -.-
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    @Drillan767 wtf is even the difference between sending CSS "as CSS" as opposed to sending it as plain-text?
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    @Krokoklemme As weird as it sounds, it doesn't get "rendered". It's here, but it's useless. If you copy the CSS, edit your html from the console developer, and add this "unused CSS" in it, it will simply work. The kind of things that would make you smash your head against a wall

    Anyway, doesn't matter, I finally made it work with Apache.
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    @Drillan767 thanks, now I have one more reason to despise webdev
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