
Yesterday I discovered the game Factorio. I said: "hey, I like this game!". That was at 18:00. I stayed up until 05:00.

  • 6
    Welcome to your new life.

    Do you like refactoring?
    Well in factorio, you can refactor your assembly lines.

    God I love that game.
  • 4
    I like the automatization thing, thinking how can I improve my production, improving the things... Now I have like 16 labs that have always red and green magic. That was my final thing yesterday. The bad thing is that I had a huge in my electrical network at 04:30 so I had to stay untul 05:00 to fix it. I added redundancy and fallbacks so it's not supposed to happen anymore. It's quite like sysadmining @BigBoo
  • 0
    @NefixEstrada I draw many parallels to programming when playing. Mostly by trying to build a system that has the highest amount of throughput as possible.

    But yeah, I guess there are parallels to infrastructure like sysadmin aswell.

    I've never worked as one though.
  • 2
    I love it.

    Been playing it for about a year and have finished all but the “there is no spoon” achievement.
  • 1
    ...aaaand your Time is gone. I already spent a lot of Time in this Game but still cant Tell if i enjoy it or not :D Feels more like „working“ than playing
  • 2
    You will never leave, factorio will consume your soul and you'll spend the rest of your life maximising your conveyor systems... It was worth nearly dying from starvation though...
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