
It's funny how a man gets something done and gets a "Good work, John!".

But, a woman gets the same thing done, and gets "Good work, team!".

#RealFuckingStory #ItHappenedToMe

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    @azuredivay It's the boss who said both!
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    I hope my ++ would cheer you up a little bit
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    @zombie thank you :-)

    Never imagined I'd say "thank you" to a zombie. ;-)
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    There There ! Take a cookie ++ :p
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    I saw two women get passed up for a position even though they were so much better than the guy. even with my recommendation for the women, the guy still got the job. So frustrating.
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    good job @youprat i'm proud of you :)
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    I assume you've seen this?
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    @randombug thanks :-)

    Never imagined I'd say thanks to a random bug either. :-D ;-)
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    @youprat don't worry i'll be around, and as soon as you are satisfied with your code, i'll stop by 😎
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    Ok, maybe it's just by accident / not knowing that the team was/wasn't involved
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    @SithLord What! It's the exact same job! No difference except one was done by a man and the other a woman.
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    @youprat and people are like robots, right? I don't use same sentence every day for same interactions either.

    I may say: "Hello", "hey", "hi NAME", and such..

    Not everything is sexistic.
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    @SithLord You don't even know the details of the situation and you're saying it is not sexist! How are you so sure??? Talk about bias. It's like telling a black person who feels discriminated, that it probably isn't racism.
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    @youprat please read what I'm writing, Jesus.. calm down. You react like the person who gets pissed over everything, so it's likely you who misunderstood the situation. Idk.

    "Not everything is sexist" - never said that this is not, but as you said: I don't know the details, hence I'm unable to say that it is sexistic too.. you're innocent until proven guilty.
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    @SithLord Neither do you know the details of other people who rant here. Do you comment on their posts saying they are probably mistaken?

    I rest my case.
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    @youprat they're not accusing people of sexism.

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    @SithLord And I don't need your "Jesus.. Calm down" THIS IS FUCKING DEV**RANT**
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    @youprat your behaviour is still aggressive, which has nothing to do with this community. That's not ranting, it's simply bad behaviour.

    Didn't you rest your case?
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    @dfox What's your take? And how is one supposed to rant, but not come across as aggressive. Or, is that.. Umm.. Maybe an opinion? And we can rant away to our hearts content without a care.
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    @youprat it's not your rant I'm talking about, but your Way to communicate with me in comments.. again, please read what I write. Never said that you had to have a special tone when ranting.. quit playing a victim and have an mature conversation.
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    @youprat I don't see anything wrong with your rant you were just saying what happened and yeah sadly there are some sexist ppl out there so calm down shake it off and wait for the stress ball
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    @zombie again, read what I'm writing. Never said her rant was wrong. Never. Ever. Her tone in comments however, simply because someone disagrees/questions the logic
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    @SithLord buddy no offense but you also need to calm down I didn't even mention you
    Have a good day sire
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    @zombie I'm horribly calm :)

    - however you called me sexist. So I decided to talk to you.

    You too sir 👍🏻
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    @SithLord Huh I was talking about her boss

    I just don't get it how you thought that I'm talking about it man the rant wasn't even about you
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    @zombie oh okay, great. Just since you decided to put in another comment to support her while we were "arguing" it seemed like some of your comment was about me. Oh well, my bad.
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    @youprat I'm sorry for destroying your rant with off topic comments
    Sorry if that annoys you
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    @zombie Nyah. To annoy me you would have to make sexist comments. :-) Or, try to make a case that I can't judge a situation correctly. ;-) Or, tell me, a fully grown, functioning, successful woman, how to express myself. :-P
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    I'll happily do it again :-)
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    ffs, don't bring this shit here, this happens to all of us, man or woman it doesn't matter, this type of behavior where some people get more recognition than deserve is a very common theme.
    I never get that when someone acts bad against a woman it's a gender issue, but when acts bad against a man is a personal issue.
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    @superuser thanks you!!!!
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    It happened to another girl at work yesterday. 😞 When the boss was asking everyone for info, this girl dug up the right info and gave it to her. And got a "Thanks all". It makes us feel invisible. This is the glass ceiling or the wall in action. I wish I could tell you what it feels like to be left feeling like a non-entity. I'm not saying people are actively trying to undermine us - those that are perceived as "weak" for no substantial reason, female or male. I'm saying we are noticed less, even if we work just as hard, or get the same results. And it accumulates over a career, or lifetime. We have to scream to be heard, noticed or acknowledged.
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    Btw, my boss is otherwise a great person/boss. Which is why her opinion or acknowledgement is so valuable. It's just these little things that frustrate. Because it perpetuates what we're trying to put an end to.
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    @youprat U mentioned your boss is a great person,if so then u guys might not have caught ur bosses attention for the appreciation to the right person !
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    @Vikram I'm not trying to say people who have biases are evil and good for nothing. In fact, they might be otherwise great people. But bias is a thing that can exist in anyone who has not examined where their opinion/action is coming from.
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    "Good work, @youprat !"
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    This happened to my whole group one time. CEO literally left out our name in the party celebrating the release, that we did... I feel your pain
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