
Things I hear when people find out, that i cant see red and green well...

1% Oh, well, ok...

  • 6
    What color is this comment?
  • 8
    "see, you are not colorblind"

    For fucks sake people, people with colorblindness are not always seeing in black/white. 99% of the people with colorblindness do see colors but some tints of the colors look different to us.

    And when I dont know if something is green or red I can guess it correct 90% of the time.
    Green pens are less common then red pens, especially from certain brands.
  • 2
    So is it like there are colors that if they're close to each other you can't distinguish them but other people can?
  • 3
    @YousifMansour Thats roughly it, but there are colors that differ which regular people cannot see the diffference between and a colorblind person could.
  • 2
    yes, but only certain tones of colours...
    And something noteworthy, people with red green Weakness (like me) often cant distinguish blue and purple! Its crazy!
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    It's not just you, in Wales they use the same word for blue and green. Whoever invented the Welsh language had it bad.
  • 1
    @cervantes01 nope, there are languages with just the colors dark, light and red. No yellow, orange, blue, purple or even pink.

    There has been multiple studies about it and every language has a name for black and white (dark/light). After that red is the most common. Green and blue is really common to be called the same.
  • 0
    Because Im colorblind I have a lot of knowledge of colors. I taught myself multiple techniques to differentiate colors, and then comparing to deduct the correct color.

    The background a color is placed on influences what we see quite a lot. It could be that if you have a green circle on a blue background its a green circle, but if you put that same circle on a yellow background its suddenly red.

    You know those optical illusions with a black and white tiled floor where an object casts a shadow? Its not an illusion for me cause I just see it how regular people see it when the tiles are moved. Thats basically the same as the circle thing.
  • 0
    Color blindness is nothing but bug blindness in an infuriating thing.
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