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I want to use the RTSP from my p2p cameras to view the images from outside... how can I do this?
I can't find any good information online... Fk

  • 1
    Are you still struggling?
  • 1
    Hey there, Yes and no...

    That was almost 2 months ago, now I quited the cameras... Since the Apps aren't available anymore can't set on record or turn the 360 camera, so fuck it.

    Gonna try the Arduino camera first if the image is good enough gonna build my own security system with discrete cameras. Vases and such.
  • 1
    @c3ypt1c Btw thanks for the ++ bombs... Now that's some Carpet bombing right there
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    @GyroGearloose i had a central recorder and i could connect xmeye to it.
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    @c3ypt1c Yes , with a central is easy...

    I had 3 days to set the surveillance without spending money. I did it, worked got, but did not record on motion detection and couldn't activate it...

    Other than that, I could always see if there was any light on the house (since the inside was all dark, if any light, someone opened a window).
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    @c3ypt1c It's like... Spending VS Inventing...

    If I'm in my father's house, and my father does not want to invest (200€, a power line, 3 or 4 cameras and was good) so I'm not gonna be the one spending my money.

    I'll eventually get to it, One of my possible jobs in the future is designing and implementing IOT security systems made by me in a client's house for 1/4 or 1/3 the commercial price, with custom mods and shields. When I get to it I'll learn enough to make my own system cheap a personalized.
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