
Anybody seen the The "Boring Software" manifesto? what do you think?

As software developers we are tired of the false claims made by evangelists of the latest and greatest technology. We will no longer confront them with their lack of understanding of computer science fundamentals, nor will we defend our lack of knowledge of their hyped and volatile technologies.

More at https://tqdev.com/2018-the-boring-s...

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    First of all: the writing style alone is pretty off-putting for me.

    Who exactly is "We"? "We, the developers of the world"? Anyway...

    He says "The state of the industry is forcing us to value" certain things, and then proceeds to say that the currently used technologies don't value them.
    Which is contradictory in itself.

    He wants to reduce the scope of software but hates microservices.
    NoSQL is an example of an overhyped new technology while being 10 years old.
    He wants to spread best practices with verifiable claims and for that he publishes a list with unverified claims.

    I honestly don't know what his solution is supposed to be. If 10 year old software is too new we can just go back to building our software in old-school cobol.
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    @HawkCorrigan "we" is probably a stylistic convention to make things more "manifesto-like".
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