
Do You agree about "Professional Programmer should atleast know 5-7 Programming languages" ? as said by Bjarne Stroustrup

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    quantity != quality
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    @RantSomeWhere i totally agree with you
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    @RantSomeWhere I just find it really funny that earlier today I read a quote of someone saying the exact thing about sport
    "The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style" (bruce lee)
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    It all depends on what you do.

    If you are a cobol guru you dont need anything else to get a job.

    If you have to switch jobs its better to have a broader experience as it opens up more positions and indicate a willingness to learn that can be the deciding quality.

    And in many modern projects you actually have to use multiple languages.

    I regularly use c#, js and typescript.

    And occasionally php.
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    Here is the thing, don't just be a master at x programming language, be a master at programming instead
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    Number of programming languages you know don't certify how good programmer you are, there is absolutely no relation.Just be good with data structures and algorithm you can handle any language if need be.
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    Well I kinda agree with him. As long as knowing is equal to used for some time. I learned a lot from using different languages because every language has some concepts that help to think broader at your main language. But 5-7 are many. I would go with 4. One dynamic typed language, one statically typed, one functional and one as your main language.
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    @ShotgunSurgeon I agree with you kinda ...
    touching base on diverse set of tools (programming languages) will surely improve your problem solving skills, I learned it the hard way I was told a while back by a senior colleague that I am like "a carpenter who trys to fix everything with a hammer" he was basically saying hammer might solve the problem but might not be the best solution ! that's why having knowledge about different techniques, technologies, tools can only make you better at what you do
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    Did he say that? 😅
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    @ShotgunSurgeon I believe it's implying that you "master" 5-7 or are fluent in that many. But I could be wrong. That's just how I took it.
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    The best programmers I've ever met knew this many languages at least.
    You can be a guru in your language and make a living, but this doesn't mean you are a great developer.

    Sometimes it's very helpful to see and experience how they solved a specific problem in another language. So you can decide whether this problem is best solved in language X or language Y.
    The most developers will say: I know language X best, so I'll solve it with X. Even if another language would have been the better choice. That's where most too complex code comes from :)
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    OOP, relational database foundations, and working experience of design patterns for the win?

    And google
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    As a polyglot programmer I don't think you need to know 5-7 languages to be successful, but often the best developers will know at least 3-5 of different paradigms so that they have a good baseline of what each kind of language can net you, which can make selecting the right tool for the job easier. I like it to being a mechanical engineer understanding electric, manual, pneumatic and hydraulic tools, and being able to recommended/use the right tool to solve the problem.
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    Learning multiple languages is stupid. Instead, we should learn 2-3 languages to their core, and focus on learning more and more algorithms, and creating newer ways to do things.

    Learning a new language for work takes hardly a week to gather working knowledge. But being a real programmer takes years of hardwork. What happens when I write print("Hello") doesn't matter much. How that happens matters more.
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    Nah. I think that it helps to know the different principles of programming languages since this is useful to know when you are trying to select one depending on what you want to do. As in, object oriented programming vs. functional etc.

    It helps to read up on it and have tried to code a bit in these principles to have a wider understanding. But usually if one knows one language, one can learn another one pretty quickly.
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    @sniped-sippet your opinion is why there are so many bad decisions in what language to use. And choosing a wrong language makes the problem much bigger, the code and the architecture more complex and the product less supportable by the programmer and others.
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    @psukys yep, on youtube
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