I am pretty much a designer.
I hope I didn't give others bad experiences~

Oh well I always loudly rant and get insulting when I see comic sans (in wrong usage) or ugly websites (not old or weird but old looking AND overdesigned 😓).
Probably that's what's most annoying when you're talking about me as a designer.

  • 6
    What would be an example of using Comic Sans right?
  • 4
    @jonii comics. Cartoons and stuff - although there are better alternatives

    For an audience that's younger than 10 - although there are better alternatives

    For an audience that has reading disabilities and states that comic sans is preferred. (Yes, that's a thing - although there are better alternatives)
  • 1
    @BambuSource Also for some kinds of authism. They can read easily with fonts more informal (disaligned, rounded corners, etc)
  • 1
    @pmso I mean that with my last argument above. But there are special fonts for people with such disabilities
  • 0
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