
A few days ago I went to my local bank again to check my balance and see whether some transfers that I've been waiting for have been completed.. as I was walking there - headphones on, music full blast - I was zoning out a bit. Of course I was, not like I have to mind cars in the middle of bumfuck here. There's hardly any in this town. So meh.

Now that day there was one.. I was just about to cross the road and suddenly looked left, and there it was. A mindless meatbag behind the wheel of a killing machine - an average driver. Visibly startled I suddenly stopped and waited for her to drive away. At this point she was about 20-ish meters away and already stopped. Come on bitch.. I already stopped and I am not going to cross this road as long as you're here. Hit the fucking pedal.

So she accelerated again.. and drove to the parking spot at the other side of the road, then stopped there. Oh, cool. Maybe she needs to be somewhere in this town. … Not at all. Bitch accelerates again, and stops yet again 2 parking spots further. What the fuck (ಠ_ಠ).. and I thought that I was an idiot...

Then she accelerates yet again and drives away. Looked after her, astonished by the amount of brain damage she just caused to me. Must've been a Facebook user.. holy fucking shit. Through what kind of black magic do these people get a driver's license?!

  • 4
    Enjoy atleast you are alive.
  • 3
    That's why I use online banking. It's hazardous out there.
  • 5
    @Forside You have no idea how much I wish that I could do that as well. But it turns out that due to protocol, the main office in Brussels told me that even though online banking should just be enabled on my account already (I mean I can do fucking online purchases with it, why shouldn't I be able to check my fucking balance then) their shitty protocols apparently prevent them from actually toggling the bloody switch to allow me to check my balance from the comfort of my chair. Fuck that shitty bank with a rusty drill bit.
  • 0
    @Condor Maybe they need to turn off and on you account first 🤔 but make a backup of your money before!
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