Do you believe that serverless is going to wipe DevOps?

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    Devops, uh, finds a way
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    If every team writes their own CI, maybe...
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    Not in my profession, well, maybe. We'll see what happens to Java Hibernate/Spring frameworks.
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    Serverless = somebody else’s server
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    @1989 so your question really is, as hardware gets more reliable, internet speeds increase, and thus remote hosting costs go down, will it affect the job market? Of course it will.
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    I spend more time DevOps I get serverless than old school services. When you add service discovery, rebuilding and managing environments, security management, it’s significantly more effort to keep straight.

    Lots of tools, luckily, but it’s not magic.
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    @1989 rip. You are def not OP. Dev ranting while going between my jobs.
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