

I sure as hell am not a designer, but I do love design. Amidst all this backend, professional work, I found some time to do what I always wanted to try. Make a sleek web page.
And here is the result:


I would like to get some honest feedback 😃

  • 1
    I like the way it looks :D
  • 2
    @Letmecode Thanks a lot for pointing out the mistakes and damn supporting screens is a bit of pain in the ass.

    Managed to fix the issues though, I hope you like it now 😃
  • 2
    I like it! However there is a spelling error:

    * Minimalist

    It would maybe make more sense though to say either:

    "I like minimal design" or "I like minimalistic design"

    Keep it up though, minimal is good!
  • 3
    cool! but the starting animation could be shorter. keep practising.
  • 0
    @fuzzy My brain just overlooked 😶
    Thanks for pointing it out.

    Although googling 'minimalistic design' says 'did you mean minimalist design', so I am not sure which one is correct
  • 1
    @heyheni Hahah it originally was for about 6 seconds, I cut it short to this 😂
  • 2
    @coookie Hmm OK maybe my brains not awake yet either haha
    I'd say its a safe bet to just go for "minimal" then :P
  • 2
    it looks amazing but the starting animation was kind of long
  • 1
    @coookie about your résumé, order entries by putting the latest first. in short, order by date desc 😉
  • 0
    Am I missing something? iOS Safari here, I see a pink circle, nothing else :(
  • 0
    @pixeltherapy there should be an animation and some text showing later on
  • 1
    @yarwest iOS chrome is no better btw. Will try on desktop later.
  • 1
    @pixeltherapy I have absolutely no idea why tf it's not working. The worst part is I don't think I would able to fix it. Which makes me realize why I always stayed away from Frontend 😂😂
  • 1
    Ah! That's the anime-js library. Haven't used it yet, looks awesome.

    Yes, the opening anim is a tiny bit long. 2-3 secs would be enough. 4 at most.

    On the CV, use the GitHub octocat icon instead of star. Would make it easier to find it quickly after you reference in your intro.

    iOS hates it. Not sure why.
  • 1
    @coookie by rights you shouldn't have to worry about that. Anime.js has the prefixing you need.

    On a side note, you're loading 5 fonts from 3 families via Google. It might be the font-loading mucking it up on iOS. You could probably drop Lato entirely.

    👍🏻 awesome stuff though 👍🏻
  • 1
    The design is amazing.
  • 1
    I agree about the animation timing but overall it is minimalistic and impressive. Good stuff!
  • 2
    I am impressed. Well done!
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