
Very soon I am going to do the following things,

- leave the working and high paying world
- build another startup from scratch
- jump into a very new and controversial industry
- fight against extreme misinformation and prejudice in the above industry
- build some amazing technology that I hope will actually help people
- finally, publicly be my real and genuine self

I am both very frightened and very excited.

Trending more and more toward excited every day.

Can you relate to that? Then let’s chat on the comments!

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    @ewpratten So, I’ve got 2/3 of those that you mentioned. Ideas, check. Drive, check. Time, nope!

    To mitigate that I just work 80 hours a week if possible and try to self destruct.

    For shits and giggles I’m going to leave the industry for commenters to guess, but if anyone gets it I will shout out their correct answer.

    It shouldn’t be that hard to decipher actually... haha
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    I hope it's not blockchain and if it is the fake news crisis God halp you.

    Either way you seem to have drive I bet it'll work out.
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    @JKyll Not blockchain. But it is a good guess.

    I’ve done some Solidity development in my professional life but it’s not the industry for me on my own.

    I would rather not make another EC20 Shit-coin to add to the pile
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    @leanrob there's much more to cryptocurrencies and blockchain than ERC20 tokens...

    Re: guessing indrustry
    Something to do with small drones/UAVs and such?
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    @endor Oh yeah. There are some legit companies making use of the tech.

    But it’s the Wild West. So for every real one is 10 greasy ICO utility tokens.

    Good guess but also not the right ticket. Drone are cool ass shit though!
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    @leanrob true that, so much useless shit out there making the real tech look bad to the masses
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    @leanrob you are gonna be the one to make the kill bots
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