
haven't been able to get back into the groove of programming (depression?). Anyone know how to get back on track?

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    @champion01 talking about like getting back into the groove of enjoying it and loving it.
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    @macleod find a project your passionate about. Or ask one of your friends if they need a cool app or anything. Their validation should help
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    You might have burned out... I did so recently.
    Try to rest yourself as much as you can, get proper sleep and other fun activities, work out more for some time then seek for a new fun project to work on it should be better.
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    I have adhd and I can't code unless I learn something in the process, so trying new stuff is the only way to get my mind working.
    Try it, it maybe works. if you feel that you are not good psychological you should see a doctor, it's not a bad thing.
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    @juzles that's definitely what happened, built an entire platform for a company and worked 8-12+ hours days for four weeks. Killed myself and haven't been able to get back to normal (it hit me a few weeks later)
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    drink lemonade or red bull
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    just think about the bugs you introduced and try to imagine what happens if someone else finds them out before you do.
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