
OMG. Just had the worst convo with my supervisor. She's a dev and she does not understand why scalability is important.

We have a really bad client who has a fucking insane amount of pages and they want to change some stuff on a few and my supervisor just said manually add it in with if satements.

I replied saying this client will want more things changed let me take the extra hlaf hour to make it scalable.

She responded no just do manually.

I wanted to get in to rant about how scalability is important but it was the end of the day and I was to tired.

  • 4
    Your supervisor needs to learn to prioritize. On the other hand, be thankful for job security. You'll be paying off that tech debt forever. 😎
  • 2
    Loans on development time have insane interest rates; it's very difficult and expensive to pay them off entirely. The minimum monthly payment is often the same cost as the original loan.
  • 2
    @iamroot 16 eh? Keep up the good work and GTFO if your supervisor keeps making unreasonable and dumb decisions.

    I'll admit I have been guilty of making some decisions based on the need to move quickly or not break some legacy something or other. But if it only took an extra half hour to fix it right now AND I had a dev willing to put in the work, you better believe it's going to get done the right way.
  • 0
    @iamroot Sounds like you already know what to do.
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