i am currently tasked with testing various small company ERP softwares.
for the current one i have a full 30 days evaluation copy based on MSSQL Server, i had some problems to integrate the local MS Jet Databse into the server so i call support, all is well and good..except it doesnt work. After a while it turns out, my 15 character password was too long for their software to handle. Furthermore, everytime i try to login i have to enter the password twice, after asking the support why that is they say "so you have additional validation if you entered the correct password"

i tried to explain three times that i know the password, i dont create a password, there is no need for validation, the server (hopefully) will report wether my password was right or wrong. Support guy just says "i think differently, this is a good function"

in a few weeks i will visit them personally for a meeting, i dont know yet if i can stop myself stranggling this buffon

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    @2lazy2debug the thing is, its the least crappy one of the lot, I had strong doubts about this one when I installed it, but then I looked at the competitors. If you don't have big cash for sap or sage market is tough
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    @2lazy2debug the same was said to me about SAP, from all what i gathered, its impossible to create a good working ERP software that is not an eyesore AND works well ..but its probably cause every company ever has their own process that wount budge to any given ERP program
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